second messenger or protein-modification specific binding domains sandwiched between cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) 2. Figure 1: ATP concentration affects ...
Boyer showed that contrary to the previously accepted belief, the energy requiring step in making ATP is not the synthesis from ADP and phosphate, but the initial binding of the ADP and the phosphate ...
A fluorescent molecule is attached to a protein that binds ATP. When this binding occurs, the protein changes shape, causing the fluorescent molecule to light up. This first-generation sensor ...
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the energy-carrying molecule used in cells because it can release energy very quickly. Energy is released from ATP when the end phosphate is removed. Once ATP has ...
Researchers from Guangzhou Medical University and affiliated organizations presented data from a study that aimed to investigate the disease-causing mechanism of EP400, a gene that encodes the E1A ...