ARTERIAL thrombectomy is a previously untested treatment for Volkmann's contracture. A review of the literature failed to reveal any earlier employment of the procedure. Griffiths 1,2 reported ...
For stroke patients undergoing mechanical thrombectomy, adjunctive intra-arterial thrombolytics fell short for further improving outcomes in two randomized trials. First, in POST-UK, there was a ...
For patients with acute ischemic stroke due to a large-vessel occlusion (LVO), administering intra-arterial thrombolytics after successful endovascular thrombectomy does not significantly improve ...
Opens in a new tab or window Two randomized trials found that intra-arterial urokinase and tenecteplase did not improve functional outcomes after mechanical thrombectomy in selected stroke patients.
Although TAPAS is a single center investigation, it remains the only study with appropriate statistical power to evaluate clinical effectiveness of adjunctive thrombectomy during primary PCI in ...
Penumbra (PEN) is “likely to carry the most direct derivative read-through from this announcement as PEN is the other main US venous (VTE) & arterial thrombectomy player competing against NARI ...