Four immature trumpeter swans were shot at Brown’s Lake, near Warroad, during the youth waterfowl weekend and the ruffed grouse opener that was held Sept. 18-19, according to the Minnesota ...
Tell it apart from native tundra and trumpeter swans by its orange bill with a black knob. Mute swans have a big appetite—one study found that they can eat up to 8 pounds of food per day!
A press release from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR): Every fall, officials with the DNR warns waterfowl hunters to avoid mistakenly shooting trumpeter swans. Notices are ...
They’re known to mate for life, which can be up to 25 years. It makes swans fitting symbols of love and devotion. Trumpeter swans on the St. Croix River near Hudson, Wis. (Marlin Levison/The ...
The whooper swan, like its onomatopoeic cousins, the whistling and the trumpeter, belongs to an elegant society of sisters; the mute, Bewick's, black, and black-necked fill out the ranks.