The snRNAs can be divided into two classes on the basis of common sequence features and protein ... assembled as inactive pre-RNPs on nascent guide RNA transcripts at the genes.
In this review of RNA therapies, we paint an overview of what’s going on in a field that is addressing a number of diseases.
The enzyme is directed to its target--essentially any sequence along the genome--by hitching it to a strand of guide RNA (green) whose sequence is complementary to that of the DNA target.
This protein can easily be programmed to find and bind to almost any desired target sequence, simply by giving it a piece of RNA to guide it in its search. When the CRISPR Cas9 protein is added to ...
No large RNA structure database exists that correlates sequence with 3D topology. Successful protein-centric methods like AlphaFold remain unavailable for RNA, creating a critical gap in ...