I hope to help change that by generating an effective mouse model that will allow us to investigate the biological effects of the small-intestinal microbiome. How will you create the mouse model?
Intestinal fibrosis, as a late-stage complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), leads to bowel obstruction and requires surgical intervention, significantly lowering the quality of life of ...
Now, researchers at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital have analyzed the entire mouse intestine, mapping gene expression and cell states and location in the ...
Food allergy, or the aggressive immune system reaction following the consumption of a certain food or food ingredient, typically involves immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies and can be potentially life- ...
FABP-hCFTR-G542X mice: Express a human CFTR-G542X transgene from the intestine-specific FABP promoter ... inhibition because the G542X mutation was introduced into the mouse Cftr locus and thus the ...
Intestinal infections can change the composition ... part of communication between the liver and gut. Using a mouse model, this study used global metabolic analysis to investigate changes in ...