Advancing quantum technology requires precise control over quantum states and the ability to entangle particles. This control ...
Researchers have revolutionized quantum technology by achieving long-lasting entanglement between molecules using ...
Molecules haven't been used in quantum computing, even though they have the potential to make the ultra-high-speed ...
"Let’s say we have 'N' qubits in our brain and 'M' qubits in an external quantum computer, with the letters referring to a certain number of qubits. If a person could entangle their brain with this ...
The quantum entanglement of particles is now an established art. You take two or more unmeasured particles and correlate them in such a way that their properties blur and mirror each other.
Quantum “switches” can connect and disconnect any qubit within a few nanoseconds, enabling high-fidelity quantum gates and the generation of quantum entanglement, a fundamental resource for ...
New research suggests that humanity may soon find an answer to one of its oldest and most profound questions: what is ...
A Chinese research team claims to have smashed the previous record for maintaining two quantum memories in an entangled state at maximum distance. According to the researchers, they were able to ...
Hartmut Neven, who leads Google's Quantum AI lab, wants to entangle our brains with quantum processors to test the idea that consciousness involves quantum phenomena ...