We report a patient with known Fabry's disease in whom these inclusion bodies were identified by examination of induced sputum.
To determine definitely the presence of tuberculosis an x-ray and sputum examination and occasionally a tuberculin test are requisite for all these patients. This would not be an impractical or ...
Assessment of inflammation may be achieved by different means including invasive methods such as bronchial biopsies, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) or examination of surgical specimens and non-invasive ...
Alone and in combination with other lower respiratory tract disease signs and symptoms, dyspnea is the best predictor of severe RSV outcomes.
In adults and older children, sputum induction has been successfully used; this technique has not been tested in younger children. AIMS To investigate whether sputum induction can be successfully ...
Kids with cystic fibrosis (CF) tend to get frequent respiratory infections, sometimes caused by bacteria or fungi. A sputum (mucus) CF respiratory screen or culture helps doctors detect and identify ...
Inclusion criteria were age >15 years and diagnosis of TB by either sputum examination or by the WHO clinical criteria. Patients with extrapulmonary TB were excluded. Primary and secondary outcome ...
Median age was 28 (range 20 – 46) years. The bacteriological confirmation was done via sputum examination in 81 (79 smear and 2 Gene Xpert) patients and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid in 8 ...