President Trump has always been a true friend of the Jewish people. During his previous term he did more to secure peace for Israel, with the Abraham Accords and his sanctions on Iran’s sale of oil, ...
In 1936, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise co-founded the World Jewish Congress (WJC), together with Nahum Goldmann and others. The World Jewish Congress, American Section, is the affiliate of the WJC in the ...
Als im August 1936 230 Vertreter jüdischer Gemeinschaften aus 32 Ländern in Genf (Schweiz) zusammentraten, um den Jüdischen Weltkongress zu gründen, waren sie mit einer sehr realen Gefahr konfrontiert ...
Zionism, the belief the Jewish people maintain a right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland, has been a central tenet of Judaism for thousands of years. The roots of Zionism stem from the ...