Mote Marine Laboratory is an Equal Opportunity Employer and actively seeks to diversify its work force. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color ...
Undergraduate Research Experiences (UREs) offer residential research experience to undergraduates and are designed to provide hands-on opportunities to participate in scientific research under the ...
As one of the largest crabs on the Pacific coast, Puget Sound king crab shells can grow over 12 inches (30 centimeters). Puget Sound king crabs are bumpy and multicolored, with spots of red, brown, ...
Using its polyp tentacles, finger coral catch and eat smaller marine organisms that drift by. They also have a special algae—called zooxanthellae– in their tissues that photosynthesize the sun's rays ...
Juvenile, or young red emperor snapper will hide in sea urchins for shelter and protection. In the Indo-West Pacific Ocean, red emperor snappers inhabit can be found in shallow coral reef communities, ...
This species has tiny tubular feet on the bottom of their bodies that help them move around. These sea cucumbers feed on the top layers of sand underneath coral reef communities. They filter organic ...
This species of fish are nocturnal feeders, meaning they only come out to eat at night. In the East Indian and west Pacific Oceans, yellowbanded sweetlips can be found near coral reef communities, ...
These crabs can grow to be 2-3 pounds (0.91-1.36 kilograms) each and can reach 6 inches (15 centimeters) across in length. Prowling the ocean floor, California king crabs will eat sea stars, crabs, ...
Mote offers a variety of internships for undergraduate and graduate students. Please visit the pages below for additional details and the application process for each program. Students may apply to ...
This species can swim in waters as deep as 115 feet (35 meters). In the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the ember parrotfish can be found hiding out near coral reef colonies and rocky areas. Ember ...
Seafood farmed from areas in an active red tide bloom are toxic to consume. Consuming red tide toxins can affect your nervous system leading to headache, nausea and dizziness. Red tide cells are ...