A nuchal cord or a cord around the neck — is one of many things mothers-to-be fear about childbirth. The thought of your baby being ‘strangled’ by the umbilical cord can cause so much worry.
A baby refusing to breastfeed can be very distressing for a mother. It’s can be hard not to take it personally when your baby doesn’t want your breastmilk. The good news is that most cases of breast ...
Want to know the facts about antibiotics and breastfeeding? Breastfeeding mothers, like anyone, may need to take antibiotics for a bacterial infection. One common reason why breastfeeding mothers may ...
Australia’s leading health organisation, the National Health and Medical Research Council, recommends exclusive breastfeeding for around the first 6 months, and then for breastfeeding to continue ...
Rates of labour induction are increasing worldwide, particularly for non-medical or social reasons, such as convenience or being past a “due date”. Many women are agreeing to inductions of labour, ...
After seeing that gorgeous, pink slippery baby being placed on your chest, the last thing on your mind is what’s going on with the cord and placenta. But there are some really big, evidence-based ...
Browsing the baby aisle in your local supermarket, you’ll see an overwhelming array of products… including baby rice cereal. Baby food products are one of the many overwhelming choices parents need to ...
A very faint line on a pregnancy test can be confusing, especially if you’re hoping you’ve conceived this month. Could ...
Yvette ODowd has been a breastfeeding counsellor and educator since 1992. She has three adult children and a two year old granddaughter - the best sort of bonus baby! Yvette runs a popular natural ...