Zilla Parishad High School celebrates English Language Day with students reciting poems by Sarojini Naidu and competitions.
If phones are a problem, a proper education should equip students with skills to manage them — not to hide from them,” writes ...
Alhambra High School claimed victory for the second year in a row at the 43rd annual Los Angeles County Academic Decathlon. The announcement was made on Thursday, Feb. 13 at an awards banquet held at ...
The technology gives students more feedback, more quickly. But some warn that using AI to score writing could have unintended ...
My husband and I stopped getting each other gifts out of financial necessity. We can afford them again, but we spend money on ...
The author looks back ‒ with gratitude ‒ to the people of color who have had a positive impact on his personal growth.
The National Merit Scholarship Program awards only 7,500 scholarships annually, providing significant financial support for college-bound students.
Amanda Pierman teaches her upper school science class at The Benjamin School in North Palm Beach, Fla., on Feb. 10, 2025. She ...
Out There!
ON STAGE Les Mis is Still Très Magnifique At its origin, Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables — the French novel published in 1862 — ...
By Susan W. Murraythewoodstockindependent.comFaced with the usual January – February dropoff in business after the Christmas ...
In three-quarters of the states, there were gaps of at least 15 points on 4th- and 8th-grade exams. In some, they were even greater.