Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1974;13:1045–9. Adams CK, Perez JM, Hawthorne MN . Rod and cone densities in the Rhesus. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1974;13:885–8. CAS Google Scholar Østerberg GA ...
Unlike cones, though, rods come in only one type. Color vision comes from comparing the responses of the three types of cone cells, which isn't possible in rod-dominated vision. So, in the dark ...
This nuclear architecture is inverted in rod cells of nocturnal mammals, demonstrating a unique functional nuclear genome reorganization specifically adapted for light transmission. Solovei used ...
You appreciate peripheral vision? Thank your rods. This story originally appeared in Volume 24 of Road & Track. I’m not saying that the cone cells, which detect color, are prima donnas ...