Two on-field rule changes will be implemented beginning this season after MLB’s competition committee unanimously passed them earlier this week. The first involves a modification to the shift rules ...
Overall in Concord, the pay-as-you-throw program and its iconic purple trash bags have become a fact of life regardless of how residents feel about them. Jenny Williams has a household of five ...
Roughly 16 years after Concord instituted a pay-as-you-throw trash program, residents are torn over how effective the program is, whether or not they like the bags themselves and the cost.
If you're a tea lover, you'll probably throw away your tea bags after enjoying a cup of your favorite beverage. However, instead of throwing them away right away, there are many practical ways you can ...
Tea bags are a natural remedy for tired, puffy eyes. The caffeine and tannins in tea work to reduce swelling and improve circulation, giving your under-eye area a refreshed look. To use ...