and it all could have been avoided Miss Manners: Does ordering a cup of coffee entitle you to 3 hours hogging a table? Miss Manners: Best friend asked me to officiate her wedding to a guy I can ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Whether at home, at another person’s house or in a restaurant, what does one do when food from one’s plate drops on the table? GENTLE READER: Although she is inclined to ...
Parents may need to employ various strategies to encourage their children to consume at least a small amount of food. At the same time, how can you teach them table manners? It is essential to instil ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: We have friends who seem to think every little milestone should be celebrated like a small wedding. They hold celebrations and attach a wish list, sometimes with hundreds of ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband and I spent a few days with some friends at a house in a rural setting near a small lake. During our stay, the electricity went out. The toilets did not work for over ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I was unfortunately not raised in the habit of writing thank-you notes, but I acquired the habit after my wedding. I enjoy writing them a great deal, and I like knowing that I ...
Miss Manners: Is it still considered good manners to wait to eat until everyone is served? 8: The cluster of younger people at the next table were looking for a show, and she gave them one.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: We have friends who seem to think every little milestone should be celebrated like a small wedding. They hold celebrations and attach a wish list, sometimes with hundreds of ...