This entry seems to continually attract popularity. I had to search for it after one parent requested for it following a discussion she had with other parenis. Well, I re-publish it. I remember when ...
Minister of Labour Vitumbiko Mumba on Thursday inspected manufacturing companies in Lilongwe. What he uncovered was shocking, degrading and unacceptable working conditions for Malawians. This prompted ...
Dear BMW, I am writing this message with tears in my eyes. I have learnt a bitter lesson and I want to confess publicly that I still love my husband. I love him very much and I pray every day that he ...
The blame-game on the poor turnout for the supplementary voter registration currently underway has been making headlines. As usual, opposition political parties are the loudest criers and heaping the ...
Chewanisation, Chewalisation or Chewafication are concepts that crudely refer to the domination of the majority Chewa over every tribe in Malawi, especially culturally (language being primo).