在海草遍布的热带浅海及沙泥底质的浅海滩涂,住着这样一群精灵。它们体型中等而呈纺锤状,性格温顺又胆小。它们行动缓慢,喜欢成群活动。它们是唯一严格意义上的食草性海洋哺乳动物。它们的妈妈喜欢怀抱幼崽于水面哺乳,常被误认为“美人鱼”,是中国传说中美人鱼的原型 ...
But 18 of them had died and been washed ashore in the same year, mostly after getting hit by hard objects. The dugong is one of four living species of the order Sirenia, which also includes three ...
DESCRIPTION: The dugong is a marine mammal related to the manatee. It averages nine feet in length and weighs 550 to 1,000 pounds. The Okinawa dugong is slate gray to gray bronze in color and its tail ...
The dugong population is endangered in Thailand and efforts to restore them are underway. Is it too late to save them?
Dugongs belong to the Sirenia, an order of aquatic mammals sometimes known as "sea cows". The Sirenia family also includes manatees. In 2015, the IUCN classified dugongs as vulnerable to ...