The 1925 Scopes trial pitted the great defense attorney of the time, Clarence Darrow, against the three-time presidential candidate Williams Jennings Bryan, labeled "the Great Commoner." ...
Dayton was in an economic slump, and the town's movers and shakers thought a sensational trial would put Dayton "on the map." John Scopes was playing tennis when a group of businessmen called him ...
The millions of words written about the “Trial of the Century” (there have been several given that title) law reviews, documentaries, Broadway plays, and movies (“Inherit the Wind”) never seems to end ...
May 5: At a meeting in Robinson's drugstore in Dayton, Tennessee, science teacher John Scopes agrees to become the ACLU's defendant in a trial testing the Tennessee anti-evolution law. May 13 ...
July 6, 1925 (UP) -- Application for an injunction to prevent the Scopes evolution trial at Dayton on Friday was expected to be filed here today by John R. Neal, chief counsel for the defense.
While U.S. flags remain at half-staff honoring the 39th U.S. President, Jimmy Carter (100), who died Sunday in his hometown, Plains, Georgia, lookie here: Your scribe keyed “2025” correctly on ...