Sacrifices of “sun stones” occurred around the same time a volcanic eruption in 2900 BC dimmed the sun throughout Northern Europe, according to a new study.
Scientific researchers are concerned after the National Institutes of Health abruptly canceled numerous meetings essential to the fellowship and grant approval process earlier this week.
The signs of wave ripples in the sandy shores of ancient lake beds, created as wind pushed water back and forth have been found on Mars providing evidence that there were open bodies of water, not ...
A new study found the characteristics that make a child more likely to be their parents' favorite. Experts revealed the lasting impacts of parental favoritism and shared tips to avoid playing ...
Two new studies offer insights into the evolution and development of external ears, which appear in humans and other mammals but aren't found in reptiles, birds or amphibians ...
If Henri Bergson were alive, or even remembered, they would get more. In his heyday—in the 15 years or so before the first world war—Bergson was the most famous man in the world, Emily Herring, a ...