The Malaysians and Indians in Bangkok (MIB) has announced plans to cremate the remains of 106 Tamils from the then Malaya who worked on the Death Railway during WW2. The remains are currently ... Less than a year before the end of World War II, then US Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau drew up a nightmarish plan to punish postwar Germany. After the serial 1870-1871 ...
UK: The Rail Safety & Standards Board has released a standard promoting the wider use of Coordinated Universal Time and the consistent formatting of date and time values across the railway network. UK ...
Salvaging the U-505 German intelligence was vital during WWII, making recovery efforts for the sinking U-boat a top priority for the Navy task group. German Capt. Harald Lange, who commanded the U ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Poland on Wednesday after the two nations reached an agreement over a historical dispute: the exhumation of Polish victims of World War II-era war ...
Takeo Yamaguchi's daily quest, from morning to night, is to bring the number of stray cats being euthanized to zero. The 73-year-old veterinarian provides sterilizations at a bargain price, which ...
On a rainy, cold morning more than a decade ago, Kazuya Fukuda was having breakfast with his wife when they heard a meow outside. When he looked outside a window in the dining room, he saw a ...
Completed in 1914, the Myra Canyon Trestles are part of the Kettle Valley Railway. This area is located 40 minutes from Downtown Kelowna ... Miniature World features scenes about WWII, First Nations ...