A private account on social media platform X today leaked the final build number for Apple's upcoming iOS 18.3 and iPadOS ...
2025年北京国补把手机纳入了补贴范围,苹果手机也是,部分手机可以享受立减15%的折扣,最高不超过500元。于是苹果13手机,最低来到了2999的价格。 这个手机年前刚买的,花了3700,后来降价保价了一下,最终花了3500,与现在价格相比,还是优惠了500块钱呢。 不到3000的价格,苹果iPhone 13手机就相当具有性价比了,从外观上看,iPhone 13的设计简洁而又不失时尚感,机身采用了 ...
As technology and politics get ever more intertwined, it's time to discuss iPhone 17 rumors, TikTok changes, and the Mac mini as a fashion accessory.
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Explore Android 16 first public beta with adaptive apps and dynamic notifications aimed at enhancing Pixel experiences.