Siri and Apple Intelligence are given access to all installed apps by default. Apple hardly documents the function and is ...
By decree, the new US president wants to curb the government's influence on social media platforms. Critics warn of side ...
The target of 100 million installations of the Epic Games Store was missed by a wide margin in 2024. Epic believes Apple is ...
In February, the US company Lonestar plans to install a data center on the moon for the first time. What advantages the ...
The American news channel CNN wants to launch its own streaming service – The channel has already flopped once with this.
Web crawlers for AI models often do not stop at copyright protection either – The Nepenthes tool sets a trap for them.
Apple computers are normally known for their longevity. The problem is that at an early stage, software updates are no longer ...
Quantum physics will be 100 years old in 2025. In order to appreciate progress in quantum physics, we must not get caught up ...
Siri und Apple Intelligence erhalten standardmäßig Zugriff auf alle installierten Apps. Apple dokumentiert die Funktion kaum ...
In der EU müssen sich iOS und iPadOS immer weiter öffnen – auf Gedeih und Verderb. Im Gegenzug sperrt Apple Funktionen. Was ...
Per Dekret will der neue US-Präsident die Einflussnahme der Regierung auf Social-Media-Plattformen einhegen. Kritiker warnen ...
Der Google TV Streamer will mit schneller Hardware, modernem Design und Smart-Home-Features die Streaming-Elite aufmischen.