Pour son 14e colloque annuel, la Chaire Unesco "Alimentation du monde" co-dirigée par le Cirad et l'Institut Agro, a choisi de s’intéresser aux alimentations africaines.
L’objectif global du projet FEFACCION est de structurer, rationaliser et transférer, les recherches et actions mises en œuvre par l’équipe France et leurs partenaires brésiliens autour des enjeux du ...
The Southern Africa-Madagascar region covers a wide range of economic, social and ecological situations. It comprises eight English-speaking countries – South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, ...
The French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions.
For the first time, AFD group organized a workshop during its annual meetings, in the presence of Laurent Saint-Martin, Minister attached to the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs with ...