Proprioception - Wikipedia
Proprioception is what allows someone to learn to walk in complete darkness without losing balance. During the learning of any new skill, sport, or art, it is usually necessary to become familiar with some proprioceptive tasks specific to that activity.
本體感覺 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
本体感觉,又稱 肌肉運動知覺 和 本體覺,是一種對 肌肉 各個部份的動作或者一連串動作所產生的感覺,稱呼為“自我知覺”。 這些感覺來自於肌肉或 肌腱 內的本體覺受器,這些受器會自動監測肌肉的長度改變、 壓力 變化和 張力 變化,再將這些資訊整合傳送到 大腦。 可是對某些人來說 肌肉運動知覺 跟 自我知覺 不同在於保持平衡的觸覺。 例如:當內耳受到感染,就會影響平衡。 這個感染損害了 自我知覺 而不是 肌肉運動知覺。 受感染的人能夠走路,但是只能靠 視覺 來保持平 …
Proprioception and motor control - Wikipedia
Proprioception refers to the sensory information relayed from muscles, tendons, and skin that allows for the perception of the body in space. This feedback allows for more fine control of movement. In the brain, proprioceptive integration occurs in the somatosensory cortex, and motor commands are generated in the motor cortex.
Proprioception — Wikipédia
La proprioception (formé de proprio-, tiré du latin proprius, « propre », et de [ré]ception), ou sensibilité profonde, désigne la perception, consciente ou non, de la position des différentes parties du corps, sans avoir recours à la vision [1].
Proprioception - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Proprioception is the sense that people have of knowing where the parts of their body are. It is also called kinesthetic sense. Proprioception is used when a person touches the tip of their nose while keeping their eyes closed. Even though they cannot see their finger or their nose, they can sense how to touch them together.
Proprioception | Sensory Receptors, Muscles & Joints | Britannica
2025年1月3日 · proprioception, the perception by an animal of stimuli relating to its own position, posture, equilibrium, or internal condition. The coordination of movements requires continuous awareness of the position of each limb. The receptors in the skeletal (striated) muscles and on the surfaces of tendons of vertebrates provide constant information on ...
Proprioception: What It Is, How To Improve It & Disorder - Cleveland Clinic
2024年7月25日 · Proprioception is your body’s ability to sense its own position and movements. It’s an automatic or subconscious process. Proprioception allows your brain to know the position of your body in space without having to rely on visual input alone. It’s also crucial to maintaining balance. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center.
Category:Proprioception - Wikipedia
Proprioception is the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body.
Proprioception, the regulator of motor function - PMC
Proprioception is the internal sense of body position, and proprioceptive control of locomotion is essential to generate and maintain precise patterns of movement or gaits. This proprioceptive feedback system is conserved in many animal species and is mediated by stretch-sensitive receptors called proprioceptors.
Proprioception - ScienceDirect
2018年3月5日 · Proprioception relies on populations of mechanosensory neurons distributed throughout the body, which are collectively referred to as proprioceptors. Physiologists of the 19 th century, unaware of the existence of specialized proprioceptors, debated the origin of ‘muscle sense’, a term attributed to Charles Bell, the first to distinguish ...