Muroidea - Wikipedia
The Muroidea are a large superfamily of rodents, including mice, rats, voles, hamsters, lemmings, gerbils, and many other relatives. Although the Muroidea originated in Eurasia, [1] they occupy a vast variety of habitats on every continent except Antarctica.
鼠 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鼠,又稱老鼠,即鼠總科(Muroidea),是一種屬於囓齒類的總科,其中含有倉鼠、沙鼠、大鼠,以及其他親緣動物。 牠們廣泛分佈於 南極 以外的各個 大陸 。
鼠科 - 百度百科
鼠科是哺乳动物中最大的科。鼠科动物的臼齿缺少纵列的釉质齿突,这是区别于仓鼠科的特征。分子证据也支持将鼠科从鼠总科 Muroidea的姊妹分类单元仓鼠科 Cricetidae中分离出来,二者分化时间大约在2400万年前。
鼠总科 - 百度百科
鼠总科的分类又不同意见,有人将其分成主要分布于新大陆和北方大陆的 仓鼠科 Circetidae,分布于旧大陆的 鼠科 Muridae,分布于旧大陆荒漠地区的 沙鼠科 Gerbillidae和旧大陆的穴居类型 瞎鼠科 Spalacidae和 竹鼠科 Rhizomyidae,仓鼠科常被并入鼠科,有时沙鼠科甚至所有的鼠总科都并 …
Muroidea - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muroidea is a large superfamily of rodents. It includes hamsters, gerbils, true mice and rats, and many other relatives. They live on almost every continent except Antarctica. Some scientists have placed all members of this group into a single family, Muridae.
The superfamily Muroidea includes most of the familiar rats and mice, but it also encompasses an enormously diverse array of other rodents. Currently there are 1517 recognized species and 310 genera of muroid rodents.
老鼠 - 搜狗百科
2024年11月21日 · 老鼠(拉丁学名:Muroidea),别名为耗子,啮齿目鼠科的啮齿类动物。 老鼠体型较小,体色以灰、褐色为主;上、下颌各具有一对门齿,大多无齿。 它性成熟早,繁殖方式是胎生,一般生下来几个月后就可开始繁殖,一年可繁殖数次,其除南极洲外全球都有分布。
Muridae - Wikipedia
The Muridae, or murids, are either the largest or second-largest family of rodents and of mammals, containing approximately 870 species, including many species of mice, rats, and gerbils found naturally throughout Eurasia, Africa, and Australia. [2]The name Muridae comes from the Latin mus (genitive muris), meaning "mouse", since all true mice belong to the family, with the more typical mice ...
鼠形亞目 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鼠總科 Muroidea 跳鼠總科 Dipodoidea 鼠形亞目 ( 學名 : Myomorpha ), 嚙齒目 中最大的一個亞目,包含了將近25%的 哺乳類 物種,它們的外表皆與 老鼠 相似。
Muroid rodent phylogenetics: 900-species tree reveals increasing …
2017年8月16日 · Muroidea is the most spectacular family-level radiation in mammals and a scientifically important group, frequently used in biomedical studies. These biomedical studies are becoming more frequently comparative in nature, and an accurate and robust phylogeny is critical for further advancement.