Discover stronger opportunities, make smarter investments, and monitor your existing portfolio with ease. Whether you're buying, selling, or leasing: leverage smarter insights for more impressive deal outcomes, and win clients with ease.
Compare options and find the right plan for you and your team. Features include: OwnerReveal, TenantFinder, Trade Area Analysis, Foot-Traffic Insights, Demographic Data, Car Traffic, Custom Reports, and more!
Welcome to the AlphaMap Help Center! Parcel, Area, and Mobility insights including data from over 100 million cell-phones. Create and design custom maps with POIs, car traffic, brand logos, radius rings, and more. Take the guesswork out of selecting the perfect tenant for your space.
If you know how to use Google Maps, you’ll have no problem using AlphaMap! Just search for a location using the Search Bar or draw a custom area on the map using the Custom Area feature.
Alpha Mapping is a technique in 3D computer graphics involving the use of texture mapping to designate the amount of transparency/translucency of areas in a certain object.