As fate would have it we were walking around a neighborhood in Rome and Brittany noticed a cafe in the corner with what she thought was a cat in the window. Turns out it was. We …
Is this a Cat Cafe? Sort of. What we mean by that is, it’s not like any of the cat cafes in America. It’s a place for friends and family to come together to share good food and drinks, our kitties …
We offer free Wi-Fi, a library, and it’s the cat’s play area as well, all in accord with a staff that is sincerely happy you’re here. The Catfe’ is not simply a coffee café, it’s a community.
Step 1. ue vulputate massa nec feugiat fringilla. Fusce at euismod augue. Maecenas quis leo id lectus vestibulum interdum. Ut ut rhoncus risus, nec viverra nisl.