Claus process - Wikipedia
First patented in 1883 by the chemist Carl Friedrich Claus, the Claus process has become the industry standard. The multi-step Claus process recovers sulfur from the gaseous hydrogen sulfide found in raw natural gas and from the by-product gases containing hydrogen sulfide derived from refining crude oil and other industrial processes.
The Claus Process | netl.doe.gov - National Energy Technology …
The basic Claus process for sub-stoichiometric combustion of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to elemental sulfur follows the following reactions: H2S + 1 ½ O2 → SO2 + H2O 2 H2S + SO2 → 2 H2O + 3 S1
克劳斯法 - 百度百科
克劳斯法(Kraus)也是一种 废水处理方法,是指将 厌氧消化 富含 氨氮 的 上清液 加到回流污泥当中一起 曝气 硝化,然后再加到 曝气池,除了提供 氮源 外, 硝酸盐 还可以作为 电子受体,参与有机物降解,能够克服高碳水化合物带来的 污泥膨胀 问题。 常规克劳斯工艺是目前炼厂气、天然气加工副产酸性气体及其它含H2S气体回收硫的主要方法。 其特点是:流程简单、设备少、占地少、投资省、回收硫磺纯度高。 但是由于受化学平衡的限制,两级催化转化的常规Claus工艺硫 …
Claus Process - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The Claus process involves combustion of approximately one-third of the hydrogen sulfide to sulfur dioxide and then reaction of the sulfur dioxide with the remaining hydrogen sulfide in the presence of a fixed bed of activated alumina, cobalt molybdenum catalyst resulting in the formation of elemental sulfur:
Claus process - chemeurope.com
The Claus process is the most significant gas desulfurizing process, recovering elemental sulfur from gaseous hydrogen sulfide. First invented over 100 years ago, the Claus process has become the industry standard.
reactor bed containing the direct oxidation catalyst. To achieve 99.5 percent sulphur recovery, the process includes a hydrogenation reactor upstream of the direct oxidation bed to convert all remaining sulphur species to H
Claus Process - camelclimatechange.org
Apr 29, 2016 · For a well-designed and operated Claus sulfur recovery plant having three catalytic reactors (as shown in the flow diagram), an overall conversion of at least 98% can be achieved. In fact, the latest modern designs can achieve up to 99.8% conversion of hydrogen sulfide into product sulfur that is 99+% saleable "bright yellow sulfur".
Claus process - Citizendium
Jul 29, 2024 · The Claus process is a catalytic chemical process for converting gaseous hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S) into elemental sulphur (S).
The Claus and Modified-Claus Reaction - SulfurWorx: A Division of ...
Oct 25, 2022 · The Claus process was first patented in 1883 by the German chemist Carl Friedrich Claus. His discovery, the Claus Reaction, is the basis for what has become the industry standard for sulfur recovery. This basic chemistry occurs in both the Thermal Reactor (thermal process) and across multiple catalytic reactors (catalytic process) of a ...
Claus Process - Shell Global
The Claus process is crucial for reducing sulphur emissions, maintaining environmental compliance and producing valuable elemental sulphur. Here we address commonly asked questions about this catalytic sulphur recovery process. We explore the catalysts involved and how an efficient sulphur recovery is achieved.