747-400 747-800 differences - PMDG General Forum - AVSIM
2012年4月5日 · Nope, you are not biased, the 747 is far more handsome than the A380. The A380 is undoubtedly a magnificent feat of engineering, but its looks are brutal rather than graceful. That's always the way with fully double-decked aircraft, they simply cannot appear slender, but the 747's partial double deck actually ends up accentuating its length ...
747-800 - PMDG General Forum - The AVSIM Community
2017年2月16日 · The 747-800 is not a thing. With the earlier variants, they were named as 747-100, 747-200, and so on. The company code was added as an infix. In other words, the company code "overwrote" the last two numbers of the variant: 747-467. Due to this, the proper reference to the aircraft is the 747-400, and a reference to the aircraft plus customer ...
747-400 vs -800 wind noise - Airliners.net
2019年2月19日 · BoeingGuy wrote:First, there is no such thing as a 747-800. However, I vaguely recall that something was done on the 747-8 to address the noise issues with the 747-400 Flight Deck. Let me see if I can find out. technically it is a B747-800/-800F according to the 747 type certificate and the FAA.
747-800: Why No Winglets? - Airliners.net
2005年12月17日 · When I was based at Boeing Field for cargo ops years ago, I had the priviledge to be on a UAL flight sitting next to the head honcho of Boeing's Commecial Airplanes' Construction division and he was very excited, telling me about all the 777-300 flight testing they were doing at that time (a bit less excited about the fact that even top-level staff at Boeing had to fly economy, to save money ...
747 Correct Engine Start-Up Order - Airliners.net
2004年3月13日 · I would appreciate a 747 captain to answer this however if anyone else knows feel free to answer. What is the correct start-up procedure for a 747? I have seen during pushback engines 2&4 started before 1&3 while in others I have seen 1&2 then during taxi 3&4 started. Thanks [Edited 2004-03-13 00:43:35]
PMDG 747-800 prep. - PMDG General Forum - The AVSIM …
2017年11月26日 · There is no such thing as a 747-800, so, while it's a bit pedantic, do remember that this is aviation, and that we have three main definitions of the word 'night' - each having its own application. Speak precisely.
How to use asobo 747 as a freighter? - AVSIM
2024年1月4日 · I have set the 747 up along with a simbrief flight plan for the freighter variant but when i load my payload my CG is out of the range and makes me add a ballast. Is there a way to fly the 747-800 as a freighter instead of the normal intercontinental variant?
747-800 mod? - Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020/2024) - The …
2020年12月25日 · First, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it, Happy Holidays to everyone else. I have a question about 747-800 mods, I know about Salty's 747 mod, but after the last update this week, this mod causes my screen to lock up on "New Activities".
747-8 flap speeds - Airliners.net
2018年10月2日 · Normally a 747 will start easing the flaps out on approach between 210-230 depending on weight slowly adding more until stabilized in landing configuration on final. On departure they will normally be clean (flaps 0) between 220-240 again depending on weight. Any 747 pilots out there can give a more detailed flap schedule used in normal operations.
Default 747-8 Spoilers issue/found cause - AVSIM
2024年4月3日 · Default 747. Can assign free axis to spoiler but it jumps around and cannot be set in one position or armed/deployed even with mouse control and all assignments deleted. Found cause. Spoilers in default 747 are HARD CODED to ONLY deploy at the same time as reversers.