Technology is coming all the time( Whats your thoughts)
2006年12月3日 · There is the bow bug that releases upon an arrow passing through a deer...you can then track the deer via radio signals...$199. The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes olice: ....the average response time of a 357 Magnum is 1,400 feet per second:uzi: .
Tree stand placement for deer hunting | Archery Talk Forum
2024年12月2日 · 1. Funnels and pinch points. I especially like narrow ones next to a deep water source that deer use when moving from one general area to another, that lets them avoid swimming. 2. Acorns with lots of fresh poops all over the ground, where you know deer are coming to feed. If a few does show up, bucks are likely to join them. 3.
35-40lb. Enough to kill deer? Help!!! - Archery Talk Forum
2010年2月15日 · yeah dont mean to jak the thread but draw weight issue was checked we has to get new arrows the day b4 youth season opened. and that bow is ibo rated at 200fps plus. i understand that arrow weight and length and draw weight affect this but 15-20 years ago how fast were most 50-60 and even 70 lb bows and people killed deer and other mammals. the ...
Does and bucks only coming to feeder at night
2024年11月10日 · I try to get 7-10 doe per season to eat throughout the year. 95% of my deer each year are shot before time change. I literally couldn't tell you when or even IF I've shot one after Thanksgiving. Where I'm at after time change my deer get wonky and season is basically over before I figure out where they go.
Easton 5.0 | Archery Talk Forum
2024年11月15日 · 2017 Bowtech Boss-65lbs/32"- Axcel Landslyde w/ Ultraview UV3XL- T.R.U.Ball Goat Hamskea Hybrid Pro- BE X-Impacts 250 w/ AAE Max Stealth Vanes - Rogue R-19
2024年12月17日 · This is my annual end of the year broadhead test summary and spreadsheet. The spreadsheet includes all of the broadhead tests from 2022-2024: It is 187 total broadhead tests.
did i do the right thing?????? | Archery Talk Forum
2009年1月5日 · saturday the last day of the season in va. i shot a freak of nature . i shot a buck but the antlers are strange. the deer wiegted 143lbs and was an 8 point but with an 7 1/2 in spread. his body was big but the head oh a yearling. i guess im asking has any body seen something like that or do you...
Bear compound bow whitetail 2 | Archery Talk Forum
2024年8月26日 · Made in the late 80s maybe early 90s. I think I bought mine right about 88 or 89 perhaps. Not sure it was a long time ago! I bought it to replace my original whitetail hunter. The WH2 had cams not just wheels like the WH. I thought I was a bad ass when I got that bow LOL! Shot many a deer with it and it was the first bow I shot with a release.
Bowtech Virtue | Archery Talk Forum
2025年1月8日 · Our lightest and most advanced bow on the market, the 2025 Bowtech Virtue hunting compound bow showcases a revolutionary AeroMag magnesium riser.
Mathews Lift RS anyone tried one? | Archery Talk Forum
2024年12月2日 · I tested the RS and the 29.5 X on Friday at 45#, 27". The 29.5 X pulls softer than my Lift 29.5 at 45#, very easy to feel the difference, however, the RS felt a lot stiffer at 45#.